Improving Perceived Performance on Android

Android is one of the strictest platform I can think of when it comes to threading. Everything seems to have a rule around whether or not it is allowed on the main thread. All user interface code (code that touches the widgets on the screen) must be run on the main thread (since it also serves as the event loop) in order to avoid concurrency issues; but at the same time networking cannot happen on the main thread. For a good reason too: networking is always slow relative to a single event (just think about NodeJS or Vert.x and the fact that all networking is offloaded away from the event loops).

Most Android applications take things one step further and try to do any local database work (typically with SQLite) on a worker thread. The most common Android method of doing this is with AsyncTask (and friends such as AsyncTaskLoader). However: these systems are often heavy-weight to implement, requiring lots of boiler-plate code. The problem there is: many things that should be on background threads are left on the main thread because it’s just too much effort to write another AsyncTask. This is not a good situation.

After a few years of developing Android, and writing a book on the subject I found myself reusing a simple pattern that at first I called a BackgroundForegroundTask. At first a massive simplification of AsyncTask (which is totally over-engineered for most purposes). Instances of BackgroundForegroundTask would just:

  1. Call onBackground on a worker thread in the background
  2. Call onForeground on the main thread with the result of the onBackground method
  3. Call onError on the main thread instead of onForeground if onBackground threw an Exception

I used this class for almost every event handler. The difference to applications was massive. Everything became silky smooth, because the main thread is almost entirely left alone to process input like that user scrolling, tapping, typing, etc.

Just forward to the present day, and I’ve modified the pattern to allow these BackgroundForegroundTask (now called ActionCommand) objects to be chained together. This enables me to write commands that only do one thing, and with no state of their own. They can be chained together, the chains can be kept and reused over and over to perform defined sets of actions:

  1. update a local user object
  2. send it to the server
  3. update the user interface

Three jobs, three ActionCommand classes:

private final ActionCommand.Chain<User, User> saveUser =
        new UpdateUserCommand(database)
            .then(new UpdateUser(serverConnector))
            .then(onForeground(user -> {

In the third case above I’ve added a lambda that will be wrapped in an ActionCommand object. You can also run commands by only composing such lambdas together:

onBackground((name) -> "Hello <b>" + name + "</b>")
    .then(onBackground((msg) -> Html.fromHtml(msg)))
    .then(onForeground((msg) -> {
        Toast.makeText(this, msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Will offload the concatenation and parsing of the HTML onto a background thread, only returning to the foreground thread to create and display the Toast object. The actual execution pattern for the above code is a bit special, it actually runs like this:

  1. Run Html.fromHtml("Hello " + name + "") on background thread
  2. Run Toast.makeText(this, msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() on foreground thread

The Chain class automatically optimises the number of tasks and thread-hops when then is called with an ActionCommand returned by onBackground or onForeground. Check the code out on GitHub if you’re interested.

Using Event Handlers in GWT-1.6

I’ve already blogged about Event Handlers in GWT-1.6. Everyone coding Java knows how an event Listener works. How to attach one to an event source, how to handle the events, and how to create one yourself. Handlers are a bit different though, as an example I thought I’d show you how to write a very simple (un-styled) VerticalTabBarclass using GWT-1.6. The VerticalTabBar class has the following design points:

  • It’s root Element is a simple <div> with a primary style of “VerticalTabBar”
  • Each tab is a simple <div> element (wrapped in it’s own Widget class)
  • Each tab has the CSS class-name “Tab”
  • The selected tab has the CSS class-name “Tab Tab-Selected”
  • The VerticalTabBar fires “ValueChangeEvents” with the index of the tab that has been selected

So here goes:

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;







// Unlike previous GWT implementation, implementing the Has***Handlers interface of the Event type
// your class dispatches is now mandatory, and you'll see why a little further down.
public class VerticalTabBar extends ComplexPanel
        implements HasValueChangeHandlers<Integer> {

    private final DivElement root;

    private final List<Tab> tabs = new ArrayList<Tab>();

    private int selected = -1;

    public VerticalTabBar() {
        root = Document.get().createDivElement();

    private void setTabSelected(final int tabIndex, final boolean selected) {
        if(tabIndex != -1) {

    private void setSelectedTabImpl(final int tabIndex) {
        setTabSelected(selected, false);
        setTabSelected(selected = tabIndex, true);

    public void add(final String tabText) {
        add(tabText, false);

    public void add(final String tabText, final boolean asHTML) {
        final Tab tab = new Tab(tabText, asHTML);
        add(tab, root.<Element>cast());

    public int getSelectedTab() {
        return selected;

    public void setSelectedTab(final int tabIndex) {
        if(tabIndex != selected) {
            if(tabIndex < 0 || tabIndex >= tabs.size()) {
            } else {

            // This is how you fire an Event with a Handler.
            // The signature of the "fire" method in ValueChangeEvent is:
            // public static <I> void fire(HasValueChangeHandlers<I> source, I value)
            // If we don't implement the HasValueChangeHandlers, we can't fire ValueChangeEvents
  , selected);

    public int getTabCount() {
        return tabs.size();

    public HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(
            final ValueChangeHandler<Integer> handler) {

        // This is really all we need to do to add a new Handler
        // addHandler is defined in Widget, and registers the Handler
        // with our HandlerManager
        return addHandler(handler, ValueChangeEvent.getType());

    private class Tab extends Widget {
        private HandlerRegistration registration;

        private boolean selected = false;

        private Tab(final String tabText, final boolean asHTML) {
            final DivElement element = Document.get().createDivElement();

            if(asHTML) {
            } else {


        protected void onLoad() {

            // As you can see, you don't have to use onBrowserEvent anymore,
            // instead just register a Handler without exposing the Has***Handlers.
            // This technique only works for low-level browser (DOM) events.
            // Also not the fact that we invoke "addDomHandler" here, and not "addHandler"
            registration = addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() {
                public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) {
            }, ClickEvent.getType());

        protected void onUnload() {

            registration = null;

        public void setSelected(final boolean selected) {
            if(this.selected = selected) {
            } else {



As you can see from this example, event dispatching and handling has become much easier with Handlers. You can invent your own Event types, and use them in the same way as all the other Handlers.

Development patterns in EoD SQL 2.0

EoD SQL has always been focused on flexability, and EoD SQL 2.0 is taking that concept even further.

To introduce this topic, I have some important points (some of which may already be known):

  • EoD SQL understands Connection pooling
    • Creating a Query instance with a DataSource is completely different to creating one with a Connection
  • EoD SQL allows you to declare the type you want to return
  • EoD SQL does not mangle your SQL, ever!
    • You tell your database exactly what you want to

Here is a little example of some code that uses some of EoD SQL’s more advanced tricks:

public class User {
  private static final UserQuery QUERY = QueryTool.getQuery(UserQuery.class);

  private Long id = null;

  private String email;

  private String password;

  @ResultColumn( "display_name" )
  private String displayName;

  private User() {}

  public User(String email, String password, String displayName) { = email;
    this.password = password;
    this.displayName = displayName;

  public Long getId() {
    return id;

  public String getEmailAddress() {
    return email;

  public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress) { = emailAddress;

  public String getPassword() {
    return password;

  public void setPassword(String password) {
    this.password = password;

  public String getDisplayName() {
    return displayName;

  public void setDisplayName(String displayName) {
    this.displayName = displayName;

  public synchronized void save() throws SQLException {
    if(id == null) {
      id = QUERY.insert(this);
    } else {

  public static User getUser(long id) throws SQLException {
    return QUERY.selectById(id);

  public static User getUser(String email) throws SQLException {
    return QUERY.selectByEmail(email);

The things to note in the above code:

And then the Query declaration:

public interface UserQuery extends BaseQuery {
  @Select( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?1 LIMIT 1" )
  public User selectById(long id) throws SQLException;

  @Select( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?1 LIMIT 1" )
  public User selectByEmail(String email) throws SQLException;

  @Update( sql="INSERT INTO users (email, password, display_name) " +
    "VALUES (?{}, ?{1.password}, ?{1.displayName})",
    keys=GeneratedKeys.RETURNED_KEYS_FIRST_COLUMN )
  public long insert(User user) throws SQLException;

  @Update( "UPDATE users SET email = ?{}, password = ?{1.password}," +
    "display_name = ?{1.displayName} WHERE id = ?{}" )
  public void update(User user) throws SQLException;

Things to note in the above code:

  1. The UserQuery instance QUERY in the User class is declared “static final”
    1. Because it is created with a DataSource, EoD SQL will automatically pull a Connection from the pool each time you run a query
    2. You need never close one of these Query objects, since the Connection is returned to the pool when you are no longer using it automatically
  2. Returning Database-Generated-Keys has become much easier in EoD SQL 2.0 as you can see from the “insert” method of the Query interface
  3. You are not forced to return a DataSet<User> in EoD SQL, you can return any type that EoD SQL understands (and it knows about quite a few)
    1. All the Java primitives and their wrapper classes
    2. Arrays
    3. UUID
    4. Any class you write that could be returned in a DataSet
    5. Many of the Collections types
      1. Collection
      2. List
      3. Set
      4. SortedSet