3 Proven Ways to Increase your Blog Traffic

Step 1: Copy and paste this post into your blog

Step 2: Track-back to this post

Step 3: Make Money???

I know this may sound stupid or silly, but these suggestions are actually fairly close to what I would suggestion for people looking to drive high quality traffic to their blog/s:

Step 1: Re-read your posts a few times, you’ll be amazed how much content can be edited. Also: the “Preview” button is very useful.

Step 2: Track-back to other peoples posts, and Comment on other peoples blogs. Keep it relevant and intelligent, this helps keep resulting clicks high quality.

Step 3: Blog about things people are interested in. Watch what search terms land people on you blog, use these keywords in your blog posts (again: keep it relevant and intelligent). If your blog provider doesn’t provide statistics, try using Google Analytics or StatCounter.